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Troubles with automake and libtool

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:51 am
by Nightingale
Hello, I am kinda new to using parallella, so this question might not be in the appropriate place. Sorry in advance if that is so.
I have managed to compile example projects properly and a few others for parallella. Right now I need try parallelize the video encoding done in libde265. The problem is that after getting it from and running I get the same error as here: ... 00007.html
Something about LIBTOOL being undefined. According to that board the problem is that libtool and automake are not installed under the same prefix. But I just don't know what to do. Reinstalling libtool or automake just says that permission is denied and fails.
I would appreciate if anybody could help me with how to solve this issue.