External text editor from planAhead

Using Zynq Programmable Logic and Xilinx tools to create custom board configurations

External text editor from planAhead

Postby shaskey » Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:38 pm

Hi Everyone,

This isn't really a parallella question but hopefully someone knows the answer before I head over to the xilinx forums.

I don't like the planAhead 14.7 text editor and want to use emacs. I'd like planAhead to open the file with emacs when I double click on a source file from within planAhead (so I don't have to navigate the extensive project directory structure from emacs). planAhead apparently has this functionality built in but I can't get it to work. In planAhead I go Tools->Options, then in the text editor section I choose emacs. Now when I double click on parallella_z7_top.v (or any source from within planAhead) emacs opens and tries to load the following file which it obviously can't find:


Has anyone else run into this issue? The part it is adding to the front of the source file path will change to match the directory that I launch planAhead from which is a bit of a clue as to what is going on. This issue is also present if I try any of the other text editor options.

Would be great to know if anyone else has the same issue, and if they know a workaround.

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