Installing from x86 Ubuntu on a secondary hard drive, not c.

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Installing from x86 Ubuntu on a secondary hard drive, not c.

Postby Lou Reed » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:10 pm

I guess that I should now try to create a Parallella start-up disk on a Micro-SD card using Ubuntu not Windows 7.
At least I am more familiar with Ubuntu than Windows 7. The windows image creation of the Parallella start-up disk
never worked. I can only try so many times. I cannot even see if the file has been imaged on the micro-sd card. I am lost
on that one.

So I am going to install the Parallella Ubuntu OS on the Parallella startup disk using a Windows laptop with an auxiliary hard drive
that contains installed Ubuntu for the x86 processor. This would be just like it was installed on the main drive the c drive except it is in another drive.
That Ubuntu Parallella install should be easy and a lot more direct since I know the Ubuntu OS better that Windows 7.

I cannot install Ubuntu 14.04 x 86 on the main hard drive because that already has Windows 7 and I am sure the user (my wife) would want to keep it on there and working.
So I must put x86 Ubuntu 14.04 on a secondary hard drive and have it boot from that drive. I can handle the latter, but I just want to make sure that I do not blow away the c drive Windows 7 install.

Please note that this is not a live Ubuntu version, but I want it to be the real complete Ubuntu 14.04 for the x86.
I would install it the same way I would install it on my laptop hard drive c drive, except it would go on an secondary hard drive which I have as a spare.

Is there an option during the x86 Ubunto 14.04 install process to make sure it installs on the secondary drive, not on the main c hard drive?
I clearly do not want the latter to happen and ruin the laptop and my chances of ever borrowing it again.

That is my question and I an sorry this is taking so long to get done. I need to do this to allow me to see the Ubuntu image on the micro-sd card.

Please note in the discussion that we are talking about two Ubuntu's: one for the x86 processor and one for the Parallella processor. To make sure
I am talking about the right one I refer to x86 Ubuntu and Parallella Ubuntu.

This is just a preparation question and I apologize in advance if it seems to have a obvious answer. I just want
to make sure I do not destroy the laptops c drive.

Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Lou Reed
Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:29 pm

Re: Installing from x86 Ubuntu on a secondary hard drive, no

Postby sebraa » Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:14 pm

Buy a dedicated laptop (can be a few years old) for Ubuntu. I do not think that you are able to get anything else to work without destroying the data on your current system.
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Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:54 pm

Re: Installing from x86 Ubuntu on a secondary hard drive, no

Postby manklee » Thu May 05, 2016 10:14 am

Google for "Ubuntu dual boot"
Posts: 24
Joined: Sun Jun 29, 2014 10:06 pm

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