sorry, sebraa put it in a way that could be misunderstood. to keep the discussion short:
no, it is not feasible to put epiphany on pcie with a display-port. theoretically it could be possible to increase bandwidth to the requirements of display-port, and to add epiphany chips up to a max memory-size of 4k epiphany cores times 32k memory each=128M, that's likely about 50 bytes per pixel in whatever highest resolutions. but as I said, I have no competence to make such a suggestion, even less to flesh out the details how this could be implemented in hardware. the point is as sebraa tried to say, any kind of graphics card has more memory available, and a caching-system which basically is able to store the whole screen at a place where it's available on each of the processing-units. not to mention all the textures and 3d-models.
at first I too thought epiphany could be used to implement a voxel-based grphics-card, but now I realize it's more fit for a physics-engine at best. the point is that simd chips like in gpu are better fit for whatever graphics application, even in terms of power-consumption they're on par with epiphany when all cores are in use. and also for basic acceleration in a pc, there are better solutions, and nobody will buy them either since current pcie is too slow in comparison to whatever co-processors built into the cpu-chip. if you want an alternative product to the parallella based on epiphany chips, it needs to be a wearable or otherwise mobile device, where the low-power-profile comes into play...
again, just look at the numbers, you'll see the effort put into an epiphany-card is in no relation to what you could gain out of it. a lot of things are possible, being feasible is a rarity among the stuff that actually would look cool...